The Ocular Manifestations of STDs

This lecture will cover the ocular manifestations of a range of STDs. They don't all involve the eye, but many do. STDs can affect the eye in many different ways and the lecturer is going to discuss the ocular involvement of each disease.

The following points will be discussed:

STDs are very common.

Be cautious about history taking and examination in the optometry setting.

Questions are personal and could be misconstrued.

The possibility must cross your mind.

The clinical manifestations are protean.

Appropriate treatments are available.

Keep a high index of suspicion.

Know how to refer appropriately and sensitively.

Be aware of the social issues and stigma attaching to STDs.

Please don't leave this lecture thinking that every case of iritis you see is an STD.

CPD Points: 1 credits: 1

Expiry Date: 31/12/2018


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