Ultra-widefield retinal imaging Recorded webinar

A step by step guide to reviewing and interpreting pathology & diseases

When taking on new clinical diagnostic equipment it can be quite bewildering to view the eye in different ways. For new users, these imaging techniques show structures in ways that look different and may cause confusion. In this webinar, Simon Browning provides a step by step guide to reviewing and interpreting pathology found on ultra-widefield retinal images. The presentation allows the delegates to think about what they are looking at and to challenge them to think about the methodical process they are developing. The aim of this is to refine referrals, avoid false positives and to be able to explain findings to the patient in a positive way.

The following lectures from this series are also available:

An introduction to Ultra-Widefield

Technology to improve patient outcomes

New Technology - New Pathology

Breaking the Taboo: A conversation about patient-care models

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Expiry Date: 31/12/2020

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